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The Invigorate Practice and Experience Reference of Reusing the Rural Idle Residential Land of the Coastal Areas in East China

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东省社会科学院

出  处: 《广西农学报》 2020年第6期44-48,15,共6页

摘  要: 农村宅基地闲置是全国各地普遍存在的现象,闲置宅基地是乡村振兴发展用地的重要供给源。文章以广东、浙江、上海、福建等省、直辖市中有代表性的市(区)为样本,阐述闲置宅基地盘活实践的情况。总结了这些地区在闲置宅基地盘活中形成的注重制度先行、重视保护村民的权益、注重闲置宅基地盘活的规划性与协同性等可推广的成功经验,为其他地区盘活闲置宅基地提供借鉴,提高我国闲置宅基地整体的盘活利用效率。 Based on the investigative data and material,the paper outlines the general situation of reusing practice and relevant institutional construction of idle residential land by the use of the examples such the presentative cities or districts as Guangdong province,Zhejiang province,Fujian province and Shanghai.The paper expounds circumstances of the reusing practice in these representative areas.And it mainly summarizes the spreadable successful experience formed by the reusing of idle residential land in the representative areas such as constructing institution firstly,attaching importance to the villagers’benefit protection,taking the functionality of plan and coordination seriously and etc.in order to provide the reference for the other areas and increase the efficiency of reusing idle residential land throughout our country.

关 键 词: 闲置宅基地 闲置宅基地盘活 闲置宅基地盘活经验

领  域: [经济管理—产业经济]




作者 邓志旺
作者 蒋学民