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作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学

出  处: 《东北师大学报:哲学社会科学版》 2017年第3期115-119,共5页

摘  要: 中国史书叙事的重要特点之一就是道德评判在整体叙事中占有重要的地位。是否合于道德规范,成为评判历史事件最重要的准则,甚至为了实现理想道德体系的建构在追求真实的历史叙事中不惜进行虚构。这种叙事方式在史书出现之前已经在青铜铭文中露出端倪,《尚书》《逸周书》等早期史书中初步表现出对道德的重视,《春秋》又以隐晦但完善的道德评价体系将这种意义表达方式最终定型。 One of the most essential features of Chinese historical narrative is the moral evaluation, which occupies an important position in the whole narrative. Whether is suitable for ethics becomes the most vital principles to judge the historical events and figures. For the most part,to achieve the ideal of the construction of moral system, fictional narratives substitute for launching in the pursuit of the real historical narrative. This way of narration is used in the bronze inscriptions before in the history books. With the appearance of Chinese early history books, The Book of History and The Spring and Autumn Annals ,it finally becomes a certain narrative pattern.

关 键 词: 史书叙事 道德评判 青铜铭文 《尚书》 《春秋》

分 类 号: [I206.9]

领  域: []


