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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东白云学院

出  处: 《中国电化教育》 2015年第11期70-76,90共8页

摘  要: 高等教育已经进入了大数据时代,无论对学习者、教师、高校,还是整个教育生态系统,都将催生革命性的变化,导致教育理念与教育形式的解构与重构。如何利用学习分析和教育数据挖掘技术,把在线学习数据转化为可行动的信息,发掘数据背后潜在的价值,改善教与学,无疑有着积极的理论和现实意义。该文首先解读大数据的特征及其应用,接着分析了大数据时代高等教育面临的多重挑战;然后探析了大数据时代的高教改革的价值取向——数据驱动教学,助推教学决策科学化、管理精细化、学习个性化和教学信息化。大数据时代高等教育改革主要有四条实现路径:正确理念是基础,教师是关键因素,学习分析和教育数据挖掘是手段,技术服务是保障。 As higher education has entered a big data era, changes will be triggered for learners, teachers, and higher education, and even the whole education ecological system, leading to the deconstruction and reconstruction of educational philosophy and educational form. How to transform huge amounts of data about online learners into actionable information through learning analytics and educational data mining technology, extracting potential value behind the data to improve teaching and learning, undoubtedly, is of positive theoretical and practical significance. Firstly, the research unpacks the connotation and broad application of big data and analyzes multiple challenges higher education faces in the big data era. Secondly, Data-Driven Instruction, as value orientation of higher education reform in the era of big data is elaborated on, which makes instructional decision-making more scientific, providing meticulous management, personalized learning and ICT-based teaching. Lastly, it is suggested that value orientation of higher education reform mainly lies in four implementation paths: correct notions are the basis; teachers are key factors; learning analysis and educational data mining are significant means; technical service is a key guarantee.

关 键 词: 大数据 高教改革 价值取向 实现路径

分 类 号: [G434]

领  域: []


