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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东白云学院

出  处: 《远程教育杂志》 2018年第3期34-44,共11页

摘  要: 2018年3月1日《美国机器智能国家战略》的发布,对于全球机器智能的发展具有重要的参考价值。这是继美国白宫2016年发布的两个国家级人工智能发展战略报告之后,有关智能发展的又一个重要报告。因此,深入解读该报告的内容,探讨其对给教育领域带来的机遇和挑战,具有重要的现实意义。当前,随着大规模数据分析和大规模算法的日趋成熟,不断推进着机器智能从超智能到超智慧的转变,而面对这一转变,教育必须做出相应的适应性调整与变革。为此,基于教育、智能、人性三者关系,从教育主管与决策层、教育实施与践行层、教育道德与价值层等三个层面,构建了机器智能教育的实践范式,以实现智能时代的精准教育和个性化学习,以及机器智能教育与人性的理性回归。 The release of 2018 A National Machine Intelligence Strategy for the United States on March 1 st, which is another important relevant report after the release of two national strategic reports on the development of artificial intelligence by the White House in 2016, has significant reference value for the development of global machine intelligence. It is of great strategic significance to interpret the content of the report and reflect on the opportunities and challenges to education. The growing maturity of big data and computing power will promote transformation of machine intelligence from ultraintelligence to superintelligence. In view of this trans-formation, education must take adaptative adjustment and reform. Based on the triadic relations of education, intelligence and humani-ty, this article explores a practice paradigm of machine intelligence education from the layer of education supervising and decision-making, and meanwhile, education implementation and practice, and education morality and value for the purpose of realizing pre-cise-mind and individualized learning are discussed in the paradigm as well as the rational return of machine intelligence education and humanity.

关 键 词: 机器智能 智能技术 超智慧 大数据 人机协作 智能教育 精准教育 个性化学习

分 类 号: [G420]

领  域: []


