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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

出  处: 《广州大学学报:社会科学版》 2015年第12期5-11,17共8页

摘  要: 作为一种政治痼疾,腐败即公权私用,表现为公权力对公共性的价值背离、对制度规范的不遵从及对权力行为的监督失灵。有鉴于文化或心理因素支配行为的预期,权力观念与权力行为、政治实践之间存在内生关联,并通过直接—间接的二元机制发挥作用,权力观扭曲成为腐败的重要归因。权力来源观扭曲制造了一个特权阶层,权力价值观扭曲支持了权力寻租,权力运作观扭曲引起了权力滥用,权力制衡观扭曲则导致了监督失灵,最终"生产"了腐败。因此,在加强法治中国建设的同时,要充分重视文化、心理尤其是正确权力观念的反腐作用。 Corruption means abuse of public office for private gains, such as deviating from the value of public interests, breaking out the law and rules, and failure in supervising power behavior. Since political action is decided by cultural or psychological factors, power views have close ties with power behaviors and political practice, which play a role through the direct - indirect dual mechanism. Distorted power views have made an important contribution to corruption. An inaccurate understanding of the origin of power created a privileged group, the distorted values of power caused power rent - seeking, an inaccurate understanding of using power led to abuse of power, and the distorted power checks and balances views generated the failure of supervision, which eventually produced corruption. So while strengthening rule of laws in combating corruption, it is important to take seriously the role of cultural and psychological factors, and the correct authority view.

关 键 词: 腐败 反腐败 权力 权力观 政治文化

分 类 号: [D630.9]

领  域: []


