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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

出  处: 《行政论坛》 2017年第5期67-72,共6页

摘  要: 治理的本质是实现权利。以权利为媒介,大数据与治理形成一种间接的因果关系,干预并驱动了基层治理的创新。依循“合作+冲突”的基本逻辑,按照权利的合作、权力的冲突、权利联合权力的三种途径,大数据从价值、技术和资源等三个维度,驱动着公民权利的实现。其中,权利合作表现为一种“差序格局”,权力冲突表现为制衡与监察,“合作”权利与“冲突”权力的合作则正在成为一项基本选择。而要提升大数据驱动基层治理创新的效率,需要推动基层政务大数据的开放、共享,完善大数据治理的配套法律法规,培育一个成熟的公民群体。 The governance, in essence, is to fulfill rights. There is an indirect causality between big data and governance, which leads to the local governance innovation via fulfilling rights. Following the fundamental logic of cooperation and conflict, big data affects the fulfillment of rights from the dimensions of value, technology and resources with the cooperation of rights, the conflicts of power, and the cooperation between rights and power. The cooperation of rights appears to be a "Diversity-orderly Structure" whilst the conflict of power appears to be the checking and balancing of power and the cooperation of rights and power is becoming political normalcy. To improve the efficiency of local governance innovation derived from the big data, promoting the sharing the big data of local governance, ameliorating the relative laws and regulations and cultivating a mature civil society are necessary.

关 键 词: 大数据 权利实现 权利斗争 基层治理创新

分 类 号: [D630]

领  域: []


