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Ranking of Interval Efficiencies Based on New Computational Method for Cross Efficiency

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 暨南大学管理学院

出  处: 《中国管理科学》 2017年第7期191-196,共6页

摘  要: 考虑了数据包络分析中决策单元区间效率值的计算方法和排序问题。首先,针对交叉效率评价方法中由于交叉效率值不唯一而存在的需要解多个附加的辅助线性规划问题的缺陷,提出通过求传统DEA线性规划模型多个基最优解以获得区间效率值下限的新方法,从而大大减少了计算工作量。然后使用Hurwicz决策准则构建考虑到决策者乐观程度的决策单元区间效率值的排序方法,并进行对于乐观系数的区间效率值排序稳定性分析。最后给出计算例子以说明方法的有效性。 A traditional CCR model of data envelopment analysis(DEA)is to evaluate decision-making units(DMUs)optimistically in self-appraisal method.The maximum of relative ratio of weighted sum of outputs to that of inputs is regarded as the relative efficiency of a DMU.However,since all possible ratios of weighted sum of outputs to that of inputs can be assumed as possible efficiencies,the efficiencies of DMUs can be measured within the range of an interval.On applying cross-efficiency method,interval efficiencies of DMUs can be constructed based on CCR model.A factor that possibly reduces the usefulness of original cross-efficiency evaluation method is that cross-efficiency scores may not be unique due to the presence of alternate optima in CCR model.To solve the problem,a two-phased approach is adopted in crossefficiency evaluation.With respect to the shortcoming of need to solve many additionally auxiliary linear programming problems that is due to non-uniqueness of cross efficiency score in cross efficiency evaluation method,this paper proposes a new computational method to obtain interval efficiencies by means of finding multiple basic optimal solutions of the traditional DEA linear programming model.Thus,the amount of computational work is greatly decreased.The above is the first issue of this article.The second issue in the paper is the problem of ranking of interval efficiencies for DMUs.The maximum efficiency of a DMU in CCR model is regarded as its upper bound of interval efficiency.On the condition of keeping the maximum efficiencies of other DMUs,cross efficiencies of a rated DMU is minimized and the minimum of all minimum cross efficiencies of a rated DMU is regarded as its lower bound of efficiency interval.At the same time,because the attitude to risk of most decision-makers lies between pessimism and optimism,a ranking method for interval efficiencies of DMUs,which can consider decision-makers' levels of optimism,is constructed by Hurwicz decision criterion,and a stability analysis of interval efficiencie

关 键 词: 数据包络分析 决策单元 交叉效率 区间效率值 多个基最优解

领  域: []


作者 苏美红
作者 雷宣云
作者 敖玉剪
作者 张海涛
作者 常留贤


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 暨南大学经济学院
