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Research on the Process Management and Ritual Sense of Chinese Painting Art

作  者: ();

机构地区: 广东财经大学华商学院

出  处: 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2019年第9期102-104,共3页

摘  要: 快节奏生活状态形成'快餐文化'时代,快节奏与高效率的衡量标准体现在商业价值上,绘画等艺术品也被商业化的'明码标价'后,艺术性特征被忽视。吴冠中认为'艺术市场受到人际关系、利益包装、经济沉浮等人们无法回避的因素影响。'(1)绘画商业化,掺杂了太多市场功利的干扰因素,使得本该'逸趣'纯粹的艺术行为,变得功利了。倡导过程管理,着意于绘画多元多样选择前,首先须明确自己要传承的'责任',然后才是保有应有的'原则'与'底线',而过程管理的规范就是传承发展的关键。其在绘画创作的过程中表现为程序与步骤,通过过程管理来反映绘画'艺术性'与'纯粹性'的诉求,也是体现绘画从'立意'到'画技'执行过程的重视。过程管理的表现形式之一就是'仪式之感',这也是传承,是对传统的一种信仰,更可以说是一种礼制。过程管理不能为绘画艺术的未来发展规划做出承诺,但可以通过重拾'责任'来正视绘画艺术完整性的心态,诱发画家及观者来推动艺术品质的提升,更好的为绘画传承做出贡献。 Fast-paced life forms the era of'fast-food culture'.The measure of fast-paced and efficient is reflected in the commercial value.After the commercialization of art works such as paintings,artistic characteristics are ignored.Wu Guanzhong believes that'the art market is influenced by such factors as interpersonal relationships,interest packaging,economic ups and downs that people can not avoid.'(1)The commercialization of painting,mixed with too many market utilitarian interference factors,makes the original'leisure'pure artistic behavior,become utilitarian.To advocate process management,we should first clarify the'responsibility'that we should inherit before maintaining the'principle'and'bottom line'that we should inherit,and the norm of process management is the key to inheritance and development.Its procedures and steps in the process of painting creation reflect the demands of'artistry'and'purity'of painting through process management,which also reflects the importance of the process from'intention'to'painting skills'.One of the manifestations of process management is the sense of ritual,which is also a belief in tradition and a ritual system.Process management can not make a commitment for the future development planning of painting art,but it can induce artists and viewers to promote the improvement of artistic quality or make a better contribution to the inheritance of painting by restoring'responsibility'to face up to the integrity of painting art.

关 键 词: 绘画艺术 山水画 过程管理 仪式感

领  域: []


作者 李红霞
作者 余新民
作者 李花梅
作者 梁红
作者 李保增


机构 华南理工大学
机构 东莞理工学院
机构 广州大学华软软件学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东海洋大学
