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A Study on Influencing Factors for Training Data Analysis-oriented Talents in Enterprises——From the Perspective of Artificial Intelligence

作  者: ;

机构地区: 惠州经济职业技术学院

出  处: 《广东培正学院论丛》 2019年第2期9-16,共8页

摘  要: 随着人工智能的发展,大数据技术得到了广泛地应用。企业如能利用新技术及数据快速做出精准预测,就能在市场竞争中掌握主动权。为此,企业迫切需要培养数据分析型人才。本文以企业员工为研究对象,基于人才学理论和创新扩散理论,以技术接受模型为蓝本构建研究模型,通过问卷调查法向企业不同层次的员工搜集了269份有效样本数据,再利用SPSS对数据进行分析,得出在决定企业员工参与创新培训模式的意愿的过程中,他们的态度起着积极作用,其中感知有用性是影响企业员工参与创新培训模式的态度的第一关键因素,匹配度是影响企业员工参与创新培训模式的态度的第二关键因素,学习动机是影响企业员工参与创新培训模式的态度的第三关键因素。 With the development of artificial intelligence, big data technology has been widely applied. If enterprises can make prompt and accurate predictions based on new technologies and data,they will be more likely to take the initiative in market competition. Therefore,enterprises are in urgent need of training data analysis-oriented talents. Based on the talent theory and the innovation diffusion theory,this paper takes enterprise employees as the research subject,constructs the research model according to the technology acceptance model, collects 269 valid sample data from employees through distributing questionnaires,and then uses SPSS to analyze the data. Conclusions have been drawn as follows. In factors determining whether enterprise employees are willing to participate in innovative training models,their attitude plays a positive role,in which the perception of whether they can play a part is the first critical factor,fitness for a certain position is the second critical factor and the motivation to learn is the third critical factor.

关 键 词: 企业 人工智能 数据分析型人才 人才培养 创新培训模式

领  域: []


作者 王家君
作者 黄河清
作者 郑海涛
作者 孟瑛
作者 尹蔚


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
