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Dynamic Evaluation of Scientific Research Innovation Efficiency in Guangdong Universities: Comparative Analysis Before and After Construction of High-level Universities

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学人文社会科学处

出  处: 《科技管理研究》 2020年第4期120-126,共7页

摘  要: 以广东高水平大学相关数据为基础,采用数据包络分析的CCR模型(DEA-CCR)及Malmquist指数,对高水平大学建设项目实施前后的高校科研创新绩效进行动态考察。实证结果表明:通过不同高校横向对比发现,高水平大学建设项目实施有助于改善高校科研规模收益递减的不经济状态,但无助于科研效率的提高;不同年份纵向对比显示,技术效率虽呈现先降后升,但技术进步率持续出现较大幅度下降是高校科研效率低的主要原因。研究结论揭示下阶段广东高水平大学建设重点应该是提高科研质量,从而提高技术进步率,进而达到"双一流"建设目标。 Improving the efficiency of university research is the main goal of high-level university construction. Tracking changes in research and innovation efficiency before and after high-level university construction can effectively assess policy effects. Based on the relevant data of Guangdong high-level universities, the DEA-CCR model and Malmquist index are used to conduct a dynamic survey of the performance of university research innovation before and after the implementation of high-level university construction projects. The empirical results show that: through the horizontal comparison of different colleges and universities, it is found that the implementation of highlevel university projects can help to improve the uneconomic status of the decline in the scale of scientific research in universities, but it does not help the efficiency of scientific research;the vertical comparison of different years shows that, although the technical efficiency has dropped first and then rises, the continuous decline in the rate of technological progress is the main reason for the low efficiency of scientific research in universities. The conclusion of the study reveals that, the focus of the construction of high-level universities in Guangdong in the next stage should be to improve the quality of scientific research, thereby improving the rate of technological progress and thus achieving the goal of "double first-class" construction.

关 键 词: 科研创新效率 高水平大学建设 广东高校

领  域: []


作者 梁北汉
作者 朱维
作者 张潞浯
作者 李芮
作者 韦婷婷


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 暨南大学
