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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

出  处: 《华东经济管理》 2009年第7期 40-44,共5页

摘  要: 为了研究我国区域经济差异性,创新性地采用泰尔指数测度法,对我国1997-2007年间四大区域的经济差异及其演变过程进行了比较,设计了5个测度指标。分析得出4个结论,即全国五项指标的区域差异均有缩小的趋势;人均GDP、人均城乡居民可支配收入和城镇人均住房面积3项指标的区域间差异均占全国区域总差异的主导地位,另外两项指标比重较小;从区域内部差异来看,东部大于中部、西部,东北地区内部差异最小;地区的教育水平(除东北地区外)差异最大,而波动幅度最大的是城镇居民的人均住房建筑面积,这与全国五个指标的整体差异相吻合。 In order to study the divergences of economy among the different regions of China, this paper innovatively implies the Theil index measurement to analyze the divergences in the four regional economy areas from 1997 to 2007, and designs 5 indicators. After the analysis, it gives 4 conclusions. Firstly, the gaps among the 5 indicators are reduced; secondly, 3 indicators of the average GDP, the average income which can be allocated and the average housing area for living in town are main divergences, the proportion of the other two indicators are small; thirdly, in view of the inside regional area, the divergences of the east are strong comparing to the middle and the west part of China, but the north east region is the smallest ; and lastly, the divergences of education of different regions are serious except the north east region, but the most serious reason is the average housing area for living, which can tally with the whole divergences of the 5 indicators of China.

关 键 词: 区域经济差异 泰尔指数 多指标测度

分 类 号: [F061.5]

领  域: []


