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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《现代法学》 2019年第6期55-76,共22页

摘  要: 编纂民法典是新时代我国市场法律制度体系完善的第一立法要务,商法入典对完成此要务举足轻重。基于民商关系的新解读,将商法规范类型化为替代型、补充型和冲突型三大类型,据此提出商法入典①标准是:替代型商法规范宜全部入典,补充型规范可多数入典,冲突型规范尽少入典。商法入典的立法技术是:替代型商法规范以隐名形式入典,补充型及冲突型商法规范以显名形式或混合性规范形式加入。由此对民法典总则与分则中商法入典的得失和取舍进行了立法选择分析与建议,并瞻望指出,我国进入民法典新时代后市场经济立法体系完善的一个重要思路是,对未入典之“商事立法剩余”进行“剩余商事立法”,从而构建多元的、不断臻善的商事立法体系。 Compiling the Civil Code is the first legislative priority for the perfection of our market legal system in the New Era,and the incorporation of Commercial Law into the Civil Code is of great importance to the completion of this important task.Based on the new interpretation of the relationship between civil and commercial law,commercial law norms are classified into three types:substitution type,complementary type and conflict type.Accordingly,it is proposed that commercial law norms of substitution type should be all incorporated,while complementary type norms can be mostly incorporated,and conflict type norms are seldom incorporated.The legislative technology of commercial law codification is that substitute commercial law norms are codified in the form of anonymity,while complementary/conflict commercial law norms are added in the form of anonymity or mixed norms.This paper makes an analysis and suggestion on the legislative gains and losses of the General Provisions of Civil Code and the trade-offs of the incorporation of Commercial Law in sub-provisions of the Civil Code,and points out that an important way to improve the market economy legislation system in the New Era of the Civil Code is to carry out“residual commercial legislation”for the“residual commercial legislation”which is to establish a pluralistic commercial legislation system.

关 键 词: 民法典 商法规范类型 入典标准 立法选择

分 类 号: [DF59]

领  域: []


