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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《中国行政管理》 2019年第9期50-55,共6页

摘  要: 党的十八大以来,全民健身上升为国家战略,加快把我国建设成为体育强国,需要把发展体育工作摆上重要日程,通过体育管理体制改革,开创我国体育事业发展新局面。作为体育管理体制改革中的核心领域,足球管理体制改革是我国深化机构和行政体制改革中不可或缺的一部分。其中,抓好足球协会改革则是足球管理体制改革的必要环节。足球协会的改革存在两个困境,一是条块关系呈现出非常明显的“双重从属制”的外在特征造成改革工作推行不畅;二是由于“理不清”、“改不了”、“不想变”而出现政府职能转变受阻。足球改革“脱而未变”的困境及出路,可以为我国体育管理体制改革提供深刻的探索和前行的借鉴。 China extensively carries out public fitness activities and promotes the comprehensive development of sports as national strategy. Sports can help to build a strong country and realize the Chinese Dream. As the most popular sports,soccer in China is not only the requirement to build a strong sport nation but also the high expectation of the people. How to reform the football management is one of the key tasks of sport management reform in China. The dilemma existing to hinder such a reform relies on two aspects of the“tiao”and“kuai”relation and the government function transformation,and makes it highly difficult to build an efficient system. As the pioneer in football development,Guangdong province developed a hybrid system where its FA is semi-independent from the government but substantially relies on the government fund and support to operate. Such a situation avoids the negative outcome of abrupt reform,deals with the ongoing struggle of the reform,and points to further efforts to build a modern sports management system.

关 键 词: 体育管理体制改革 足球改革 条块矛盾 政府职能转变

分 类 号: [D035]

领  域: []


