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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《中国语文》 2017年第5期553-563,共11页

摘  要: 从生命度层面看,汉语工具词有三类语义:1)基准定位义;2)具象延展义;3)抽象扩张义。事实证明,宾语的生命度对人造工具兼类词的功能扩张以及语义的生命层级定位产生决定性影响,导致语义围绕基准定位义上下摆动,从而出现语义的偏移摆度。可见,人造工具兼类词的生命度需要综合考虑三个因素:是否能和更多的对象组合,是否能实现更多的语义,是否受不同生命实体的管辖。这一思路为许多句法演变研究的解释提供了新的角度。 In the light of animacy,there exist three semantic types of instrument terms in Chinese,that is,basic positioning,specific extended semantemes and abstract expanded semantemes.In this study,the authors find that the animacy of objects has a crucial role in animacy positioning as well as the functimal expansion of instrument terms which straddle multiple word classes.Concerning the animacy of man-made cross-category instrument terms,the following three factors prove important:possible collocation with different subjects,different semantic meanings and the government of different animate entities.This method may provide a new vantage for diachronic syntactic research.

关 键 词: 生命度 人造工具兼类词 生命层级定位 语义偏移摆度

分 类 号: [H]

领  域: []


