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作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学师范学院

出  处: 《中华女子学院山东分院学报》 2004年第4期 7-9,共3页

摘  要: 全球化对妇女劳动力市场有正面和负面影响.全球化在就业机会、跨国公司、知识经济、大众传媒等方面给妇女劳动力市场带来了前所未有的新变化,这些变化正在改进职业中的性别不平等现象.同时,全球化对妇女劳动力市场也有消极方面的影响.发展中国家妇女低廉劳动力的输出、男女就业方面的差异、大众传媒对旧有性别观念的广泛传播、跨国公司对妇女廉价劳动力的雇佣等都是妇女劳动力市场的制约因素.针对这些情况,我们应采取相应措施来改善妇女劳动力市场. Globalization affects the female labor market both positively and negatively.lt brings unprecedented changes to employment opportunity,knowledge economy and mass media,which weaken the gender equality in careers. Meanwhile, negative effects exist and there are many factors which restrict the female labor market such as the export of women labor as cheap labor force,the difference between male and female in the employment,the spread of the traditional gender ideas by mass media and the employment of cheap female labor force by multinational corporations. As a result, we must take measures to improve the female labor market.

关 键 词: 劳动力市场 跨国公司 全球化 廉价劳动力 就业机会 发展中国家 雇佣 大众传媒 负面影响 知识经济

分 类 号: [F249 F241]

领  域: [] []


