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Why Is the Flow of R&D Elements So Important:Perspective of Total Factor Productivity

作  者: (王钺); (刘秉镰);

机构地区: 南开大学城市与区域经济研究所,天津300071

出  处: 《中国软科学》 2017年第8期91-101,共11页

摘  要: 本文旨在揭示创新要素在区际间的流动对中国全要素生产率的影响。在深入分析创新要素流动影响生产率增长内在机理的基础上,采用空间计量分析技术,对中国大陆30个省级行政区的创新要素流动与全要素生产率之间的关系进行了实证检验。研究发现,中国区域全要素生产率具有明显的空间相关效应,且受这一效应的作用,研发资本在区际间的流动对区域全要素生产率有显著的正向影响。在考虑不同引力模型下的创新要素流动量以后,这一结果依然具有稳健性。本文结论为我国创新要素区际流动政策的科学制定,进而促进全要素生产率的增长提供有益参考。 This 'paper aimed to reveal the influence of the R&D elements' flow on the total factor productivity in china. It first analyzed the reason why R&D elements' interregional flow can affect productivity in theory. It then used the method of spatial econometric analysis to make an empirical test on the relationship between R&D elements' interregional mobility and total factor productivity, by using provincial panel data from Chinese 30 provinces. It is found that the regional total factor productivity has spatial correlation effect obviously, and the R&D capital' s mobility could significantly make a positive effect on regional total factor productivity. After considering the mobility of R&D factors in different form of gravity model, The conclusions of the article provide a useful reference for drafting China' s R&D elements' interregional flow policy scientifically, which is of great benefit to promoting China' s continuous improvement of productivity.

关 键 词: 创新要素流动 全要素生产率 空间面板计量


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作者 魏志华
作者 宗伟濠
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作者 张江洋


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院


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作者 康秋实
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