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A Study of Gao Shi,Li Bai and Du Fu's Joint Trip to the Region of Liangsong

作  者: (伍钧钧);

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《中国文化研究》 2017年第3期128-135,共8页

摘  要: 大历年间,杜甫有诗《昔游》及《遣怀》,缅怀天宝时与李白和高适同游梁宋之兴,足见同游梁宋是三位诗人增进感情的重要线索,它给予杜甫非常深刻的印象,使他晚年依然反复回味,无限怀念。此二诗与《寄李十二白二十韵》、李白《秋猎孟诸夜归,置酒单父东楼观妓》、高适《宋中十首》、《登子贱琴堂赋诗三首》,均为三位诗人于天宝三载曾同游梁宋提供有力证据。内容方面的互补,使读者对旅程的路线、行程、活动、诗人的互动等各方面,有更为明确而清晰的概念。本文旨在分析三人游历梁宋前的经历及心境,并参考现存诗篇及唐代的地理志,探索他们的游踪,以期日後继续探究他们参与这次漫游的真正目的与抱负。 During the period of Dali,Du Fu wrote two poems"Xiyou"and"Qianhuai"to cherish the good old memories of his trip with Li Bai and Gao Shi to the region of Liangsong in the third year of Tianbao. The poems carry important clues showing that their friendship was enhanced after this trip together. The trip left a deep impression on Du Fu,who continued to cherish the memories with nostalgia in his later years. The two poems together with Du Fu's another poem "Ji Li shier Bai Ershi Yun",Li Bai's poem "Qiulie Mengzhu Yegui,Zhijiu shanfu Donglou Guanji",and Gao Shi's poems "Songzhong Shishou","Deng Zijianqintang Fushi Sanshou"are strong evidence that the three poets visited Liangsong together in the third year of Tianbao. The poems complement each other in the details about their trip,providing readers with a clear and definite understanding of their routes,itineraries,activities and interactions during the trip. This thesis attempts to analyze the life and minds of the three poets before they visited Liangsong,and explore their trip with reference to existing poems and the annals of geography of the Tang Dynasty,so as to create conditions for future research into their real purposes and aspirations of this trip.

关 键 词: 梁宋 李白 高适 杜甫


作者 邝健行
作者 吕蔚
作者 杜玉俭
作者 李特夫
作者 黄静


机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中国语言文学系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚