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Economic Thoughts of French Physiocracy and Implications for China's Agricultural Reform

作  者: (夏薇); (朱信凯); (杨晓婷);

机构地区: 中国人民大学国际学院 华南农业大学国家农业制度与发展研究院

出  处: 《政治经济学评论》 2017年第5期171-188,共18页

摘  要: 18世纪法国重农学派以保障粮食安全、增加农民收入、恢复国民经济增长为目标,从生产、流通、消费的循环平衡关系考察了宏观经济管理和农业发展问题。本文试图从农业经营与改革角度重新梳理该学派的经济思想及其对中国未来农业改革的启示。本文认为,粮食安全的根本在于保障可持续的有效供给规模和合理的粮食价格。保耕地总量不应为主要标准,应保障高肥力耕地数量和提高粮食单产,需坚持休耕制度。为稳定物价而压低粮价是对农业最大的损害。合理的粮食价格应由市场形成,应尽量减少对正常波动的干预。稳定农产品价格重在密切监控和防范短期大幅震荡而非抑制价格升高。应重点扶持具有较高生产率和高效益的适度规模经营,不可一刀切。小农依然是未来中国农业生产主体,也应是制度和政策设计的重点。问题的关键在于如何促进小农持续的高农业资本投入和生产经营技能的提高。 With purpose of securing food supply, increasing farmer's income and recov ering national economy growth, the French Physiocracy School in 18th century proposed a theoretical system for macroeconomic management and rural development from pro- duction, distrihution to consumption. This study aims to investigate its economic thoughts in light of agribusiness management and agricultural development and derives potential implications for future reform. It concludes that food safety should be secured by the sustainable effective supply scale and free market price. It is more efficient to secure scale of high quality farmlands for grain production and improve their productivity with fallow system rather than securing the overall quantity of national farmlands. It does great harm to agriculture and rural development by depressing normal rise of food price. Reasonable grain price should be generally determined by the market with mini mum intervention. It is more important to monitor the price volatility and prevent violent short-term fluctuation. Government is supposed to selectively support scale agri- production with high productivity and profits rather than those of grand scales with poor management.

关 键 词: 法国重农学派 魁奈 农业供给侧结构性改革 马克思政治经济学


作者 肖茂盛
作者 林勤青
作者 丁霞
作者 户晓坤
作者 李晓萍


机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚