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Translational Dynamicity from a Deleuzean Philosophical Perspective

作  者: (王琼);

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《中国翻译》 2017年第5期11-18,共8页

摘  要: "动态转换"属性是翻译学本体研究的核心焦点之一。自翻译学成为独立学科以来,对译学本体研究的实质性探索未曾间断。语言学途径的研究展现了语际层面的动态转换本质,译者主体途径的研究强调了译者身心层面的动态展演性和美学重构意义,文艺学和社会学途径的研究揭示了造成翻译动态转换的各种目的和条件。本研究基于德勒兹和伽塔里的后现代哲学思想,在跨语境理论意义层面上突破了前期译论,从文本内部和文本外部存在的差异性、异质因素的多元性、文本聚合的再创造性等方面对翻译"动态转换"属性展开探讨,并在翻译文本层面、语境层面、译者层面和受众层面阐释翻译文本疆域的动态形成属性。 As one of the core notions of ontological studies of translation, "Translational Dynamicity"has been explored unceasingly from diverse perspectives since the study of translation established itself as an independent discipline. As a result, linguistic approaches to translation studies have cast light on interlingual translation as an essentially dynamic act, translatorial approaches have stressed the dynamically performative and aesthetically reconstructive character of translator's somatic involvement,while cultural and social approaches have identified the emergent purposes and conditions of translational dynamicity. To further deepen our understanding of translational dynamicity in addition to what has been disclosed so far,this paper develops a new approach in Deleuze's and Guattari's postmodern philosophical terms that would further clarify the dynamic or nomadic nature of translation. This crossdisciplinary perspective elaborates on the internal-and the external-textual disparities, the multiplicity of heterogeneous factors, the recreational nature of textual assemblage, etc., on different levels of translation(textual, contextual, translatorial and receptorial), and it in turn provides new interpretive insights into the philosophy of "becoming".

关 键 词: 动态转换属性 后现代哲学 德勒兹 伽塔里


作者 高丽萍
作者 崔增宝
作者 贾福生
作者 于奇智
作者 李思涯


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学外国语学院
机构 广州大学外国语学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚