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The Free Realm of Huang Tingjian's Poetry

作  者: (孙立尧);

机构地区: 南京大学文学院,江苏南京210023

出  处: 《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第5期60-71,共12页

摘  要: 黄庭坚作为宋诗的典型,在诗艺的诸多层面继承并拓展了传统,成为"句法诗学"的集大成者。语序是山谷"句法"的核心之一,平仄、节奏以及押韵等因素限制了诗歌语序的形成,但经过诗人的自觉追求,可造就一类特殊格调。山谷的"用典法"已构成了一套独特的"典故体系",其重要方法如"用全语""错本旨"等多能体现其"瘦硬"精神,而用典的"程式化"更是宋人诗学的一大异观。在"远境"的追求中,山谷于"篇中远"及"句中远"独擅胜场,以句法的承接、断裂、省略来营造"句中远",则更具"山谷风味"。要之,黄庭坚的"句法诗学"为古典诗歌带来了全面突破,已足以构成一座诗歌领域的"自由王国"。 Huang Tingjian, a representative poet in the Song Dynasty, epitomized 'syntactic poetics' by subverting and restructing it from the aspects of word order, syntax and allusions. Distinctive word order is the core of Huang's poems, free from the constraints of tonal patterns, rythym and rhyme. The formularized allusions in Huang's poetry form a meticulous system, by adopting methods such as "u- sing the whole phrase" and "mistaking the original meaning" to express Huang's poetic ideals. As for Huang's aspiration of 'remoteness' in poetry, he concentrated on the 'remoteness in one sentence' by connection and break of syntax and ellipsis. In short, Huang's ' syntactic poetics ' made a breakthrough for Chinese classical poems, and constructed a "free realm" of poetry.

关 键 词: 黄庭坚 语序 用全语 错本旨 典故程式 远境


作者 吴晓蔓
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机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院
机构 暨南大学华文学院
机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系


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作者 康超
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