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Analyze of the Government-Enterprises Function Relationship in the Process of Industrial Transfer of Guangdong Province

导  师: 邝国良

学科专业: 020205

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 改革开放以来,珠三角地区凭借区位优势和人文优势,依靠丰富的土地、劳动力资源,承接国际资本、技术和产业转移,大力发展加工制造业,实现了经济的跨越式发展。而今劳动力、土地价格上涨,资源环境约束加大,加之08年全球金融风暴的袭击等方面的压力,使广东省珠三角的持续发展面临着危机,同时也为珠三角地区的产业转移与承接、产业结构的转型升级提供了一个契机。 然而随着珠三角与其他四大区域(珠三角、粤东、粤西及山区)的经济梯度差越来越大,其产业转移也出现了很大的困难,在省政府积极构建产业转移园区,采取各种优惠政策措施的前提下,收效却不甚明显;政府的政策供给和企业的转移需求出现了冲突的现象,如何化解这种矛盾,正确地处理转移过程中政企间的关系并不断调整,是本文分析的重点。 本文试图从政企关系的角度分析广东省产业转移中所面临的问题,同时认为这种政企关系不应该是一成不变的,而是随着产业转移过程的推进不断调整的,这也是本文的创新之处,具体创新的内容表现在: (1)基于产业转移梯度特征和区域粘性的原因,得出产业转移的阶段性特征,并对其进行阶段划分,在此基础上确定各个阶段中政府和企业的利益决策和行为选择; (2)通过博弈模型分析,确定产业转移各个阶段中政府和企业的利益博弈关系,随着各个阶段政企利益关系的不同,其政企关系也不同。 通过理论分析和实证分析,并结合广东省产业转移的现状以及存在的问题分析,提出政府在产业转移的推动过程中,应适时调整政府角色,协调政企关系,恰当的处理宏观利益和微观利益的矛盾,化冲突为和谐,作到适时进入市场,适时放权于市场,给市场以活力。 本文针对产业转� After the reforming and opening up of our country, relying on the advantage of positionand the low cost of resources and labors, Pearl River Delta region has gotten greatdevelopment in the manufacturing industry and received a leapfrog development in recentyears. But now as the rising cost of labor, land, some other resources and so on, and also thehit of financial crisis in2008, Pearl River Delta region has been facing with the great pressurefor sustainable development. Otherwise it is also a chance for structure transformation andupgrade of the industries. As the bigger and bigger differences on gradient between the Pearl River Delta regionand the “north, east, west” region, industrial transfer become more and more difficult.Although the province government has join in the destruction of the industrial transfer parkand also given many preferential policies in using funds, human resources, land and so on, theeffects were not so that obvious. There is a conflict between the macro policy and themicro-interests. Then how to dissolve the contradiction, adjust and process thegovernment-enterprise relationship correctly, will be one of the most important factors inindustrial transfer. The paper tries to analyze the problems in Guangdong industrial transfer in theperspective of government-enterprise relationship, and also it is considered that therelationship is not invariable but changeful in this process. It’s just the innovation of this paper.The specific performances are in the following content: /(1/) As the regional viscous and the gradient in the industrial transfer, the transfer shouldbe a long stage and cut to four pieces, in each stage the government and the enterprise willhave different choices and different interest structures. /(2/) According to analyze of game model between the government and enterprise, weknow that because the different interest games, it will also show a different relation indifferent stage of the industrial transfer. After the theory and empirical analysis, co

关 键 词: 产业转移 阶段性 政企作用关系 新型合作伙伴关系

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 龚晓瑾
作者 陶卫平
作者 陈长水
作者 黄琼宇
作者 王炜清


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟