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The Strategy of Dialogue in the Novels of J.M. Coetzee

导  师: 张世君

学科专业: E

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 本文主要研究了当代南非作家J.M.库切小说的对话性特点。对话性是20世纪许多文学家和哲学家关注的一个问题,库切在创作中也表现了这一特点。以往对库切的研究多集中在其后殖民思想和后现代艺术手法上,本文则从库切小说的对话策略入手,分析库切如何在创作中使用“对话”这一策略,使小说从思想内容到表现形式形成一个完整的“对话”统一体,既在思想上追求交流和共生,又在结构形态上展现出对话的特色。
This paper studies the characteristics of the dialogue in novels of J.M.Coetzee. The dialogic characteristic is a matter which was concerned by many litterateurs and philosophers in 20th century, and so was J.M.Coetzee. Previous studies focus on Coetzee's subsequent post-colonial ideas and post-modernism means of artistic expression. This paper analyzes the strategy of dialogic in Coetzee's novels, the strategy which made the novels become a unity from the ideologies to the forms. The unity both shows exchanges in thoughts and dialogic characteristics in structure. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is an analysis about the dialogic characteristics from the counterpoint. in the plot and the structure to the intertextuality in the system of Coetzee's novels. And the same time, the primary tenses impulses the undoing gender. The second section is a analysis about the dialogic characteristics about the characters in the novels. The characters are lonely marginal man,having the characteristics of dialogize with themselves and other people. The third part discusses the novels' unique mode about double'writer and figure'and the dialogic characteristics in it. The forth talks over the characteristics in the ideologies. It is get rid of the monopoly and the privilege by all these characteristics and modes. It takes on an occasion that is equal and harmonious. That is the profound consider of Coetzee about the value of people and the way of existent.

关 键 词: 库切 小说创作 对话策略 艺术风格

领  域: [文学]


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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院


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