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An improvement in capacity spectrum method considering damage to structure during an earthquake

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 天津大学

出  处: 《地震工程与工程振动》 2003年第2期96-101,共6页

摘  要: 现有能力谱分析方法未考虑结构地震作用下产生的累计损伤影响。本文提出了一种以现有的能力谱分析方法为基础,通过损伤延性增大系数,引入对结构损伤影响考虑的方法。并通过一幢20层框架结构顶点变形能力的能力谱分析结果与动力弹塑性分析结果的对比,说明了该改进方法的有效性。 The capacity method, as a useful tool to analyze the deformation of structure during an earthquake, has been proved and accepted by more and more experts. But with the development of its theory, in order to give a more effective result, there are many important parts should be taken into account. The influence of structure's multicycle damage during an earthquake is one of them. The capacity method given by Chopra etc. only points to those new structures, which means no damage is considered in these buildings when beginning the analysis. But, in fact, structures always work with some of them and sometimes the effects of the damage are very important to the last results of the deformation. So how to consider the damage effects on the capacity method becomes an important part in improving its validity. In this article, a new method to consider the damage effects is introduced, which is based on the character of this method .As an example, a twentystory momentresisting frame structure is used, which is analyzed by nonlinear dynamic procedure and capacity spectrum method. With the comparison of the results given by the two different methods the effectiveness of the new method is proved.

关 键 词: 能力谱分析方法 结构地震作用 累计损伤 框架结构 动力弹塑性分析 改进方法

领  域: [建筑科学] [天文地球] [天文地球] [天文地球]




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