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The Design of Driven Power For Controlling Multiplex Channels of PZT Based on The Micro-Single Processor

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京航空航天大学

出  处: 《微计算机信息》 2009年第26期174-175,181,共3页

摘  要: 设计了一种基于C8051F005单片机控制多路PZT(压电陶瓷)的驱动电路,采用串行数据传输的方法,利用新型数模转换器AD5308具有8通道DAC输出的特性,极大的简化了电路设计,给出了硬件系统设计和软件流程图以及主要的软件模块设计。本电路主要用于自适应光学合成孔径成像相位实时校正系统中。结果表明,该电路可以成功为12路PZT提供所需的驱动电压。 A driven power is designed for controlling multiplex channels of PZT based on the C8051F005 microcomputer. Using the method of serial data transmission and new-style DAC AD5308, which has the characteristic of eight channels, the circuit was greatly simplified, the hardware and software design,flow chart of the software and some designs of software module are given. The circuit is mainly utilized to calibrate the Real-time phase in adaptive optical synthetic aperture imaging system. The results illustrate that the circuit can successfully provide driven power for 12 channels PZT.

关 键 词: 驱动电路 串行传输

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


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