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Investigation on Split Trace of Mammal Bone Fossils of Pleistocene Epoch from Western Hunan

作  者: ; ; ; ; (余沛然);

机构地区: 吉首大学医学院

出  处: 《吉首大学学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第4期122-125,共4页

摘  要: 目的考察湘西土家族苗族自治州古丈县断龙乡猛虎洞更新世哺乳动物群骨化石断裂痕迹的状态与原因,探索湘西地区古人类活动的遗迹.方法观测哺乳动物群骨化石断裂痕迹剖面的形态结构,以区别食肉类动物群的咬痕与人类打造的印迹.结果经40件东方剑齿象、中国犀、鹿等残骨化石标本断裂痕迹剖面的观测,发现有部分骨化石断裂剖面圆钝,似啮齿动物的咬痕,但大部分骨化石断端剖面呈锥形切削改造,有的双面削刮呈锐利器型,有的存在明显打击或铲刮的“印记”,初步认为属早期人类制作骨器的遗迹.结论结合地理环境和地学结构分析,猛虎洞可能属晚更新世(10-5)万年前旧石器人类穴居的营地或系同生代古脊椎动物的遗址. Objective: Investigating the profile and its forming mechanism for split trace of mammalian bone fossils of Pleistocene Epoch in Menghu cavity at Duanlong village, Guzhang county, western area of Hunan Province, and exploring the remains of Palaeohuman activitiy in this region. Methods: The profiles of split trace of mammal fauna bone fossils were identified, which gave assistance to distinguish manufacture imprints of Palaeohmnan from bite marks of car- nivorous fauna. Results: The profiles of split trace of 40 bone fossil samples respectively from Stegodon orientalis, Chinese rhinoceros, Cervus and other mammalian fauna were identified, some of them were found blunt and might be rodent bite marks. But most split trace of samples with tapered profile had been cutted, of which some presented sharp implement with double side shaved,and some even obviously possessed bitted or scrapped "imprint". It was confirmed that they were possibly the vestiges of Palaeohuman activation making bone tools. Conclusions: The analysis of geographical environment and geology structure of west region of Hunan Province revealed that Menghu cavity was possibly one of troglodytism sites for Paleolithic human or of activated places for paleovertebrates in Late Pleistocene Epoch around 100 000 - 50 000 years ago.

关 键 词: 湘西 更新世 哺乳动物 化石裂痕 考古学

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 曹俊明
作者 杨晓强
作者 康鹏
作者 刘焱鸿
作者 商志


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院人类学系
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 暨南大学文学院历史地理研究中心


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平