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mechanism of hydrolysis of mixed methylvinylchorosilane and dimethyldichorosilane

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 仲恺农业技术学院化学化工学院绿色化工研究所

出  处: 《化工新型材料》 2007年第5期30-32,共3页

摘  要: 以乙烯基甲基二氯硅烷单体和二甲基二氯硅烷单体为原料,酸性、低温下条件混和水解制备了甲基、乙烯基硅烷混合环体,以气相色谱-质谱联用仪对上述环体进行了定性分析;从分子结构层面分析了上述两种单体混合水解合成环体的原理,推导并提出了水解生成甲基环体和乙烯基环体的可能反应机理,至今未见有文献报道。实验结果验证了反应机理,为小试实验条件乃至中试及生产条件的确定提供了理论参考。 The mixture of methylvinylcyclosiloxane and methylcyclosiloxane could be achieved by hydrolysis of methylvinyldichorosilane and dichoromethylsilane using hydrochloric acid as medium under low temperature. These cyclosiloxanes was characterisized and analyzed quantificationally with the gas chromatographic and mass spectrometry. The principle of cyclosiloxane made from the two organicsilane was analyzed molecularly. Hydrolysis reaction mechanism of the two monomer was deduced and proposed. The proposed mechanisim was coincided with the experiment of GC-MS. It is beneficial and useful to the experiment of these chlorosilane hydrolysis reaction condition, and may allow the result to apply in medium test and industry production of synthesis of methylvinylcyclosiloxane.

关 键 词: 水解机理 混合水解 乙烯基氯硅烷 甲基氯硅烷

领  域: [化学工程]




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